Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Real Deal

So I am past the experimental stage and have now created what I will go ahead and call a 'real' soundslides project. This one features a Vet student here at MU, working to find a link between two common diseases in dairy cows. Take a look! You might learn something, I know I did!

Dairy Research SoundSlide

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sound Slides Experiment

I created this project using an interview with my little sister and some pictures of her playing outside on a rare warm day. This is just for practice, so the pictures haven't even been edited.. but I gave it a try. Take a look!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Giving this "Podcast" thing a try

I have long been curious about these Podcast things and am glad to have finally gotten my feet wet. It may seem ironic that someone who worked for the largest agriculture news outlet in America (Brownfield Radio Network) would have never produced or even listend to a Podcast. But here I am.
So what Podcast had the honor of being my first? Well I first downloaded several clips from Comedy Central through the iTunes store. While these were certainly entertaining, I decided that since this was an assignment for my Capstone class, perhaps I should try something a little more educational. I chose the Demomcracy Now Podcast by Amy Goodman. It was an hour long so I listenend to it while getting ready for school. Monday's cast was primarlily about the primaries (no pun intended). It began with brief clips of candidates campaign efforts over the weekend and then moved onto a variety of "know-it-all" commentators telling us who was the best choice. Overall, I thought this was a useful experience since it helped me to shift through a few of the candidates' issues in a relatively short amount of time. I am certain my first Podcast will not be my last.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Blog Analysis

I analyzed the blog "Fresh off the Farm". I like this blog because it serves a variety of blog functions. Some of the posts are only applicable to people who know the author, who is somewhat anonymous. Other posts are more general and tell stories that are entertaining to anyone. I related to this blog specifically because it is written by someone with a similar background to me who is in a job similar to one I may someday find myself in. I don't know if the author is an MU Ag J grad, but she very well could be.

This blog occasionally flirts with giving too much information, something that I find a lot of personal blogs do. I guess that is a freedom and luxery of having a personal blog. I find that sometimes the information posted on blogs would have been better left in a private journal, then again, some posts serve as journals. Personally, I feel there are better ways of getting something off your chest than posting it where the entire world can read it. I think this is what separates personal blogs from journalistic ones. A journalist is not allowed to insert an opion into a story or include that they were having a crappy day at work when they wrote a story. This personal touch makes blogs fun, but is also what can lead to unnecessary information. Again, this blog does a pretty good job of staying away from too much TMI.

Overall, I really enjoy reading this blog. I can relate to a lot of the stories she tells and I think her job sounds like a blast, whatever it is. I like her features such as Farm Photo of the Week. I find it easy to laugh along with the author as she laughs at herself. I think the appeal in personal blogs in general is the basic human need to connect with others and share experiences. Even though most blogs are shared amoung strangers, I think they still serve a valuable purpose by allowing people to hear and be heard whether they are a journalist, or just a person with something to say.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ag Journalism Capstone Class

I just started on a new venture in the world of journalism. Within the next 3 months I will transform into a full-blown convergence reporter. I will not only blog, but also produce podcasts, video, audio and other cutting edge forms of journalism.
This is all part of my senior exit class, Ag J Capstone. I will update you with my progress as I go. Be prepared to be impressed!

Friday, December 21, 2007

How I spent my Christmas Breakhttp://www.blogger.com/img/gl.link.gif

Some people go home and relax during the much needed break between classes, but not a few loyal Ag J gals here at Mizzou. We are working 9-9 (literally) at the Columbia Missourian. This unpaid internship-like experience gives us a taste of real world reporting at a daily city paper. I'll be shelling out stories all month long.. so take a look!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

p.s. if you have any story ideas, send them my way!